Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The Use of Case Studies in Teaching in Kosovo

Currently, I am involved in the EUFORIA project (Entrepreneurial Universities for Industry Alliances) 
which aims to establish and develop links between universities and enterprises in Kosovo in order to enhance teaching and learning, upgrade the curricula in line with the needs of enterprises and improve the financial sustainability of the country’s HEIs.  An integral part of the project is the preparation of case studies based on Kosovar companies for use in teaching business oriented subjects in Kosovo universities.  Staff from the 6 partner universities in Kosovo (Universities of Gjakova, Gjilan, Peja, Prishtina, Ferizaj and Riinvest College) attended a Work-shop run by Prof Marina Dabić and Prof Jurica Pavičić (University of Zagreb) on 6-8 June 2016 in Prishtina and I am looking forward to running three follow up workshops in Kosovo in the last week of October.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Kosovo Education Strategy 2017-2021

I was very pleased to see a continuing commitment to both quality of education and to improving the quality of management in the education system within the Kosovo Education Strategic Plan 2017-2021.  This document is a welcome development of a strategy outlined for the previous 5 year period ...and as this planning period opens, one sees many changes in the educational landscape of Kosovo particularly around the International Business College Mitrovica - about which more in future posts.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Opening of IBCM Building in the North of the Ibar

We are very happy to have inaugurated our brand new building in the north of Mitrovica.  After a renovation that went very speedily, the International Business College Mitrovica is ready to start teaching on 27th September on both sides of the Ibar river.

The building is completely renovated and has three class rooms and seminar space, which are all equipped with Wi-Fi, as well as administrative offices.

The International Business College Mitovica building in the north of the town

Source: ©Paul Sudnik - 12th July 2010
It was pleasing to see a large group of potential students come and look at the premises and to hear about the IBCM study programme.

Prospective students at the inauguration of the International Business College Mitovica building north of the Ibar river

Source: ©Paul Sudnik - 20th July 2010

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Student Recuitment

As the clock ticks down to the start of teaching on 27th September, the International Business College Mitrovica is doing a lot of what should be "last minute" recruitment.  Sadly, our experience is that many students are only just now thinking about what, where and how to study.

Whilst this is pretty late in the day, we are finding that a series of coffee afternoons for small groups is helping people form a view on their tertiary education ambitions.  Participants for these intimate, highly focused events are drawn from the networks of existing students or from the people who have made a preliminary enquiry with us but never followed up with an application.

The most recent of these events was held in the Strpce enclave and we were pleased to be able to inform an enthusiastic group about our work.

Students at an informal gathering learning about the new academic year programme at the International Business College Mitrovica

Source: ©Paul Sudnik - 10th June 2010

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Minister of Education, Enver Hoxhaj visits.

On a more serious note, the International Business College Mitrovica was pleased to host Minister of Education, Enver Hoxhaj, at our premises in the South of Mitrovica in the last week of July. He was accompanied by Mayor Avni Kastrati and a number of high ranking officials.

It was Mr. Hoxhaj's first visit to our institution and he was keen to learn about preparations for the new semester. Discussions ranged widely and included questions relating to the ethic mix of the new intake, co-operation with the Lillebaelt Academy of Higher Professional Education as well as an outline of plans for the building of permanent accommodation for the International Business College Mitrovica.

Mr. Enver Hoxhaj (top left) and Paul Sudnik in conversation at the International Business College Mitovica.

Source: ©Paul Sudnik - 28th July 2010

Monday, 30 August 2010

Long Summer Lay Off!

It has been a long summer and just a quick post to get the new academic year off to an explosive start I thought I would include a photo from the end of last semester.  Student humour - but it got a lot of laughs...

Student humour at the International Business College Mitovica!

Source: ©Paul Sudnik - 9th July 2010

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Working with external stakeholders

Crucial to my understanding of the curriculum is a strategy of successful cooperation with stakeholders from outside the immediate ambit of the International Business College Mitrovica.  With this in mind we organised, during the month of June, two curriculum development workshops and invited external stakeholders to see first hand what we are doing - with a view to offering suggestions on how we might improve.  It was expected that the workshops would provide an opportunity for external input into ideas of what our students learn whilst leading to an understanding of the overall learning outcomes that potential employers expect of our institution.

The first event focused on our Business Studies activities and we were lucky that Martin Lauth, a former head of Tietgen Business School, was able to attend and share his experience of transforming that Danish institution through a radical approach to teaching entrepreneurship.

Martin Lauth explores the possibilities for entrepreneurship at the International Business College Mitovica

Source: ©Paul Sudnik - 10th June 2010

I was very pleased that, after the formal presentations, the plenary session saw active and engaged contributions from participants.  It became clear that local businesses support the idea of professional education in Mitrovica and that they really are looking for highly trained graduates to employ in their businesses.  Most important was the fact that several participants did not hesitate to promise placements for internships for students of the International Business College Mitrovica.  Of course, the idea of practical experience is at the heart of our experiential learning curriculum and so internship places are always at a premium.

In time honoured fashion, after a very successful day of intensive discussion on the future of professional higher education, participants all repaired to a local hostelry to reflect on the day's activities!

After a hard days deliberations at the International Business College Mitovica, workshop participants reflect upon the outcomes!

Source: ©Paul Sudnik - 10th June 2010